
减小字体 增大字体作者:沈乐君  来源:本站原创  发布时间:2009-05-03 15:49:40


王岚,沈乐君,柯遵渝. 基于随机抽样一致性算法的运动平面上点的视觉测量及其应用. 中国体育科技,2008,1


Abstract: computer vision based visual measurement of points on ground plane via video or digital image are introduced by paper. What we presented is fundamental for sport software and crucial for the tactic analysis. The paper introduces the basic theories; discuss the error of measurement and use RANSAC algorithm framework to improve algorithm accuracy. The 3D model can visible and very useful when we do calibration and presentation of analysis. The results of experiments showed that the method in the paper is more robust, flexible than traditional method and can be widely used in many fields of sport science.





Keywords: visual measurement; RANSAC; homography matrix; image coordinates; stadium coordinates; serve placement; tennis; athlete tracking;

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